Tag Archives: Airport walkway


Nothing tickled my fancy more as a child than watching Michael Jackson’s footsteps being lit up from under him in the “Billie Jean” video. Any sane individual wanted this same destiny for themselves and now there may be a way this could come into fruition, though in a slightly revised way.

Dutch designer Jeriël Bobbe has created a musical walkway that rivals those that simply move using ribbed wood that can be arranged to make a melodic sound as your suitcase drags against it.  With the sounds being dependent on how the pieces of wood are arranged, one can only wonder what songs this walkway could potentially play? Of course we can expect the typical elevator muzak to be a sure option, but what if the creator got fancy with the song selection?

Could you see yourself waltzing to your gate to the soothing sounds of “The Motto”? Or maybe hearing songs like “Strip” or “We Found Love” off in the distance as travelers hurry off to their designated departure areas would start your trip off right. One can only imagine the possibilities for this invention, and that is all one can do for the time being; this walkway is far from being built into airports just yet but international airports are interested and we all know they get the good stuff first, so only time will tell.

For a video of Bobbe speaking about his invention, hit the link here and imagine the possibilities this could bring to your future excursions.

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